Cover picture © Credits to Alban Nimani
Cover picture © Credits to Alban Nimani

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Tulla Culture Center - The ultimate creative space

1 minutes to read

As a crazy art lover I can't leave without mentioning in my stories my favorite creative art space , Tulla Culture Center . This place is all dedicated to cultural activities , as a space that continuously promotes Art as a way of being.


This is a place that never goes quiet . It's a space that allows young performers to show their talents , it features an exhibition area and once you are there you can grab a glass of wine or a beer and enjoy the lively atmosphere . Photo exhibitions , creative installations and a band performing...You can enjoy everything in this one particular place . So , every night you have the chance to experience something new , social or cultural . Furthermore , I mentioned social activities because Tulla it's not just a place that you can entertain yourself , it's more a place that you can learn and on my opinion this is the ideal behind the creation of this place . Documentaries , book discussions , meetings for a social purpose...everyone finds it easy to express themselves at Tulla . But , there's a saying , "It's people who make the place" and I find it very accurate in this case . Tulla would be nothing whithout its people . I assure you that you can meet amazing people there and will have such a crazily great time with them.

During the day , you can go there to read a book , work on your laptop or just have a coffee . Events at night start around 9:00 PM.

Enjoy it and party hard !

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The author

Elda Ndoja

Elda Ndoja

I am Elda from Albania, moved by the desire to know more about the world. I share stories on my country and I hope you find them interesting as when I read about other countries.

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