Cover Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg
Cover Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg

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Introduction to Buddhism in Hamburg

2 minutes to read

For me, traveling was always intrinsically tied to spiritual and personal growth. I see traveling not as a form of escaping reality, but rather finding a home to your true self. Through traveling, you discover alternative lifestyles, cultures, and habits which you can then adapt to your daily life back home. Meditation was one of those life-changing discoveries for me while traveling in Bali, that I not only wanted to keep practicing for myself but also keep learning about. And funnily I got truly introduced to Buddhism in Hamburg! If you’re also interested in the origins of meditation and the teachings of Buddha, you’ll be given a smooth, non-binding, and free access to the Buddhist Center in Hamburg. Located in the district St. Pauli, the institution was founded in the 1970s by Lama Ole Nydahl. As one of the largest Buddhist centers in Germany, it offers a monthly program of around 50 events, including daily guided meditations and weekly elementary lectures. Get an introduction to Buddhism in Hamburg, learn to meditate, and find your higher self.

Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg
Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg
Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg
Photo © Buddhistisches Zentrum Hamburg

About Buddhism

Buddhism is a more than 2500-year-old teaching tradition founded by the Indian prince's son Siddharta Gautama. But what does Buddhism mean and stand for? To make it short and simple, the goal in Buddhism is the lasting experience of happiness and the full development of our inherent capacities. Reaching that goal can be defined as enlightenment and will be most certainly achieved through meditation. On the path to enlightenment, Buddhism works without beliefs or ideologies and always gives people full responsibility for everything that happens and is experienced in their lives. Hence, it’s rather considered a philosophy than a religion.

About Meditation

If you never meditated before and have no clue how to shut down your thoughts, then you can relax and be certain that there’s no such thing as shutting down your thoughts completely. Our thoughts' origin in our mind and the job of our brain is to think, constantly. Meditation is only a tool to create gaps in between the thoughts – gaps of silence and clarity that allow us to find acceptance and inner peace. Through meditation, you will learn to be observing your thoughts, rather than being controlled by them. The guided meditations at the Buddhist Center in Hamburg are suitable for absolute beginners and will slowly and gently give you an insight into how beneficial meditation can be.

About the Buddhist Center in Hamburg

The monthly program of roundabout 50 events and guided meditations provide a great first introduction to Buddhism. Whoever is traveling through Hamburg and is interested in the origins of meditation, can visit the weekly introductory lectures, participate in meditations, and get to know Buddhism through regular visitors and volunteers of the center. The daily meditations and introductory explanations are always for free, while the monthly guest lectures cost 7 EUR entry.

Open yourself up to new experiences and lifechanging discoveries and get an introduction to Buddhism in Hamburg. And just like each meditation, I will end this article with "Oooommm."

Buddhist Center in Hamburg
Buddhist Center in Hamburg
Thadenstraße 79, 22767 Hamburg, Deutschland

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The author

Paulina Kulczycki

Paulina Kulczycki

I am Paulina, I am from Germany with polish roots and living as ‘digital gypsy’ across the globe. I am passionate about traveling and fascinated by art, vegan food and dark techno music.

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