Olgiata Golf Club

Largo Olgiata 15, 00123 Rome, Italy

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The field is divided into two paths, the path West and the East route, for a total of 27 holes; It was inaugurated in 1961 and built to plans of architect C. Kenneth Cotton English. The West route, the oldest of the two, consists of 18 holes. This path is particularly important International events also took place, such as the Italian Open in 2002, 1968 and 1984 editions of the World Championship Professionals Team and numerous other races F.I.G. In 2012 it was almost completely redesigned the American architect Jim Fazio, to adapt to new demands and is now ready to accommodate international tournaments; It presents three configurations: PAR 71, 72 and 73, and 7 batters for categories coveralls. The East route, newly created, is instead a 9-hole course, par 36, for a length of 2,947 meters. Far from being an executive course, the East course is a real field of its own, on which races and various competitions are played. The west course record is 61 strokes (-11), built during the Italian Open in 2002 by Ian Poulter (ENG) and Angel Cabrera (ARG).

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